I realised that i haven't written a blog in quite some time. It's nothing to do with not wanting to write, but i haven't had a clue what to write about! So here I am writing about not knowing what to write about, the irony is so thick you could choke on it! Apparently (according to absolutely nobody but myself) every writer, professional or recreational, suffers from writers' block at some stage in their writing throughout their life. Some people write something brilliant and when they try to follow it up....BOOM the aids that is writers block strikes! This can be seen with songwriters', authors, scriptwriters, and quite possibly....... even bloggers!(Dun Dun Duuuuuun)
Its' funny and yes a bit gay, anytime i hear the phrase "Writers' Block" the first thing I think of is.....ahem, (sigh) Natasha Bedingfields' song "Unwritten". As much as i dislike pop music in general, I thought it was pretty clever to write a number one song about not being able to write a song. Some of the lyrics include, "Staring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window, let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find." I know what your thinking and no I didn't have to look up the lyrics, they're permanently drilled into my head and I cant get them out. Damn you Natasha Bedingfield and your cheap, catchy yet meaningful lyrics! She must be suffering from serious writers' block at the minute haven't heard a song by her in close to five years!
So you might be wondering whats prompted my emergence from the foggy haze that is writers' block? A couple of things that i can think of:
1. Reading a good book.
Recently finished reading "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo" if you haven't read it I cant recommend it highly enough.
2. Keeping a diary.
You can write anything in it, thoughts ideas, quotes, your dreams, doesn't all have to be "Today I made a strange noise on the toilet, should probably seek medical aid" kind of writing but hey if thats your thing I'm not here to judge...too much...
3. Watch a film that makes you think about things you normally wouldn't.
My list of films to make you think in my previous blog post could come in handy :) If romantic comedies are your thing watch a Rom/Com with a difference.
4. Listen to music.
I dont mean Katy Perry or Rihanna. Listen to people who have experienced life and have the ability to write a song about it. There's an endless list of amazing bands and singers with thought provoking songs on every aspect of life... or if you just fancy a laugh listen to The Lonely Islands "Jizz In My Pants", its hilarious :)
You can be inspired by anything these are just a few that I enjoy and get my creative juices flowing, god that just sounds wrong! :)
Anyways I kind of just started writing and kept going but I hope you enjoyed it! Feedback as always is appreciated, and if you have any ideas for a future post you'd like to see me write about let me know, thanks.